Friday, 10 February 2017

This week's smiles.....week 207

Hello all.  Here we are at my weekly blog looking at my smiles for the week.

Many thanks to the 6 who joined in again last week.  I love seeing what makes you smile each week so thank you for joining in the fun.

My smiles this week are of the signs of spring in the garden.  I really love Spring so it always makes me smile when I see it getting closer.  The nights are drawing out now too and that also makes me smile.

We planted snowdrops up in the one corner of our garden mostly under some new lawn and they are now starting to get established.  It might take a few years for them to really be a good show but I just love it when they fight their way through the frozen ground.

The front garden had daffodils sprouting up everywhere now and as you can see there are even some coming into bud.

Spring is on it's way....wahooooooooo. 😍😍😍😍

That's it from me for today.  I've had a busy week with sewing projects so it's been a happy and productive week. Please leave me a little comment so I know you've called in and if you can please share your own smiles by linking them up below.  Go on, lets fill our week with smiles.
Annie x


1. Lynn Holland said...

I planted some snowdrops years ago and they never fail to come up. I'll go and have a look later and see if they have arrived yet.
In the meantime have a lovely weekend and kiss Milly for me. Back shortly with my link up
Lynn xxx

2. Di said...

Lovely snowdrops Annie. They do your heart good don't they.


Di xx

3. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Annie, Spring is definitely on it's way though we got up this morning to a light covering of snow. Just got back from the Gym, trying to ease myself back into it again but no swimming just didn't fancy the cold water. I know what you mean about the hyacinths but they were a very thoughtful gift and I've put them in a room where I can't smell them all the time as I find them a bit overpowering.
Have a great weekend, Angela xXx

4. Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, love your snowdrops. I haven't so many yet but I'm planning to plant a few more, in the green, in the hope that they will naturalise in the grass like yours have. It's 4 degrees here today so not so warm and springlike as it has been but I have high hopes - March is almost here :) Have a great weekend. Hugs, Ellie xx

5. Twiglet said...

I love snowdrops - always a good reminder that no matter what life throws at us nature just carries on regardless! xxx

6. mamapez5 said...

Well done on getting snowdrops established. They can be difficult to begin with. I also love to see them popping up around the garden. Not any more of course, but my tiny daffodils and hyacinths are all doing well.
we have noticed the evenings lengthening too. Welcome Spring. I have had enough of being cold for this year. Kate x

7. Creative Cardiology said...

Oh, I can't wait for Spring. We're in the middle of snow and freezing rain here. Your dafodils look like they will be lovely when they bloom.
Have a wonderful week!